Local Pilot Actions Czech Republic

WP6, Pilot Actions and Improvement

Czech Republic

The CAREERS project pilot actions in the Czech Republic have been held online during two days (1st and 15th March 2022) with participation of 14 career guidance and methodologists of the Czech Labour Office. Aim of the pilot actions was to deepen the acquaintance of the participants with the CMS framework and their involvement in the further application of the CMS framework or its part in the Czech conditions, inside their institutions, their practice and spreading awareness of the CMS framework in other forums.

All parts of the new CAREERS CMS framework were discussed including skills levels. With the first group positive statements for individual CMS levels were formulated. With the second group the positive statements have been revised and discussed the possibility of implementing the entire CMS framework into a modular training program provided by the Czech Labour Office for job seekers.

During workshop activities the participants specified CMS that are already included in the modular training program that Labour Office provides to job seekers. Subsequently, they proposed to enrich other parts of the modular training program with the remaining CMS.

The attached table contains the recommended content of individual thematic areas of the modular training program for job seekers. This table has been enriched with rows related to CMS. Black CMS are already part of the original modules, red CMS are the ones that can enrich the individual modules.

Topic Basic module Medium module Expansion module
1) Self-awareness for labour market Mapping of the client's current situation (interests, values, attitudes, ideas, limitations) and their needs to increase employability Self-knowledge, self-evaluation, self-concept, self-confidence, informally acquired competencies, work and life values, career goals Development of career management skills, career planning
Related CMS
  • 1.1) Self-awareness
  • 5.2) Self-awareness of my own achievements
  • 5.4) Balancing life, learning and work roles
  • 1.3) Growth mind-set
  • 2.3) Ethical and sustainable thinking
  • 4.2) Critical thinking
  • 4.1) Digital mind-set
  • 6.2) Manage plans
  • 6.3) Career adaptability
2) Communi-ation Oral x written, verbal x nonverbal communication Assertiveness and its use in job search, stress, conflict and its solution, managing change and response to it, negotiation Training of assertive behaviour, conflict resolution, stress management, activation of positive motivation
Related CMS
  • 3.1) Empathy
  • 3.2) Communication
  • 3.3) Collaboration
  • 1.2) Self-regulation
  • 4.7) Problem solving
  • 6.1) Decision making process
4.6) Resilience
3) Self-presentation for labour market Basics of self-presentation, personal career portfolio, CV (work with PC) Cover letter, own advertisement, business card (work with PC) Selection procedure, structure of the job interview, practice of the interview with the employer, personal image / visage
4) Orientation in the world of work Orientation in the offer of vacancies (internet, periodicals), information on Labour Office services, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs portal, and employment agencies (work with PC) Regional labour market, active employment policy and its tools, alternative professions, retraining, internships and volunteering (working with PC) Further vocational training, recognition of qualifications, National Qualification Framework, National Occupation Framework, work abroad, EURES portal, Europass (work with PC)
Related CMS
  • 2.1) Understanding complexity
  • 2.2) Understanding careers and the labour market
  • 4.3) Flexibility
  • 4.4) Risk-taking
  • 4.5) Persistence
5.1) Monitoring lifelong learning achievements
5) Job search Job search techniques, job servers, social networks usable for getting a job (work with PC) Forms of contact and addressing potential employers, placing own advertisement on job servers (work with PC) Training of contact with the employer, virtual social networks and their risks, failure in the selection process (work with PC)
Related CMS 5.3) Developing ideas and opportunities to create value, including better solutions to existing and new challenges
6) Labour law literacy Legal minimum, civil code, labour and employment law, rights and obligations of employees, employment contracts, labour relations Liability in legal acts, discrimination and protection of employees, forms of termination of employment, risks in legal acts Possibilities of employee protection, legal and advocacy services, institutions offering professional assistance
7) Financial literacy Basic concepts of financial literacy, household management, personal and family budget Debt (risks, impacts, prevention), debt relief (personal bankruptcy, repayment schedule), savings and investing Social and pension system, state social support, institutions offering professional help, consumer protection
8) Own entrepre-neurship SWOT and support of entrepreneurship and business competencies, assumptions, motivation, self-confidence, self-control, creativity, family background, etc. From consideration of business to business plan, market and competition research, distribution network and other conditions for successful business, support provided by Labour Office Legislation, legal forms of business, economics and administration, business risks, business plan, marketing, logistics, financial plan and ensuring the start of business

Resource : MAŘÍKOVÁ, P., FREIBERGOVÁ, Z., SLAVÍKOVÁ, I. Metodika nákupu poradenských služeb pro uchazeče a zájemce o zaměstnání. Certifikovaná metodika MPSV č.j. 2016/13400-196. Národní vzdělávací fond. Praha. 2016.


Finally, the participants agreed that the CMS framework can be implemented:

  • as a whole or as individual sections or skills,
  • for group and individual activities,
  • as a self-assessment questionnaire serving the client as a basis for an interview with a career guidance counsellor,
  • in the framework of training programs, club activities, career guidance program,
  • as a basis for creating online self-assessment tools.

Target Group: Methodologists of career guidance services

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